The history of Yongsan Baptist Church began in 1988. It was established November 2, 1988 by U.S Army Major Mike Hall. Prior to the establishment of YBC there was no English-speaking fundamental Baptist Church in the city of Seoul. Brother Hall was lay pastor of YBC for its first two years. Later several other good men including Brother Bill Ecton and Brother Dave Lewis pastored YBC for many years. For all those years, Yongsan Baptist was church home for
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용산침례교회가 2024년 1월 18일(목) 신정동으로 이사했습니다.
교회명칭은 그레이스침례교회로 변경되었습니다. 아래의 교회 홈페이지에서 오시는 길 확인하시기 바랍니다.
Yongsan Baptist Church moved on Thursday, January 18th, 2024.
The church name changed to Grace Baptist Church. Please check the way you come from the church website below.
교회주소 : 서울 양천구 신목로6길 30 (30 Sinmok-ro 6-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul)
교회명 : 그레이스 침례교회( )