For over 30 years, Yongsan Baptist Church has tried to share the Good News of the Gospel with every person.
Yongan Baptist Church exists through the tithes and offerings of God’s people. We believe that our giving should be through the local church and then the local church distributes it as needed.
The word “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. Tithing is giving the first ten percent of our income back to God. The Bible says that everything we have comes from Him, so tithing is actually returning to God what belongs to Him. When we tithe, we are putting God first in our lives and trusting Him to provide for all of our needs. An offering is anything we give beyond the 10%.
You can give in several ways:
In the Plate
We pass a collection plate during each service. Please give as you are able! If you are a member and desire a tax receipt, offering envelopes are available in the back of the auditorium. If you desire a record to be kept, please be sure to fill out the envelope with your name.
Give Online
We offer two ways to give online.
You can give by utilizing our paypal account. Please click on the link above.
Also, you can give by transferring directly to our bank. Here is the information:
KEB 하나은행
174-890012-48704 (계좌번호, Account number)
용산침례교회 (예금주, Account name )
If you have any questions, please contact us.